Jamarska zveza Slovenije - JZS

~ 1889 ~


Jamarska zveza Slovenije
Lepi pot 6
1000 Ljubljana
Tel:  01/42-93-440
Fax: 01/42-93-440
Uradne ure: vsak četrtek med 18. in 20. uro v prostorih Katastra jam JZS na Zeleni poti v Trnovem v Ljubljani.

Prijavno okno

Checklist for cave visit in Slovenia

Respect the »Code of Ethics for Cave Exploration and Science in Foreign Countries« adopted by the International Union of Speleology (UIS) (link).

It is necessary to hold a license entitled »Qualification for autonomously operating in caves«           (Usposobljenost za samostojno jamarsko delovanje) issued by the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (license is free of charge and is permanent once obtained) (link). Carrying out research activities in a cave without a license could cost you up to 1200 EUR.

Communicate with local cavers (or JZS), clubs prior to your visit. It is desirable that research be carried out alongside local cavers or cavers that already explore a particular cave system.

Only use safe, reliable and adequate equipment while exploring the underground. Only enter the cave if you possess adequate knowledge of karst, speleology and caving techniques. Before entering the cave communicate your plan to local cavers or by phone – dial 112 – to the notification centre of RS. Once finished report to 112 – notification centre – that the activity has been completed.

When visiting and exploring the cave make sure not to damage cave formations and cave fauna. Try your best not to leave any tracks in the cave. No damage or removal of cave geological formations are permitted. Leave the cave as you found it. No route marking is permitted including using string to mark routes. You are only allowed to use cave markings that you can take with you on your way out.

When going to frequently visited caves keep to existing paths.

Properly document the cave you are exploring (measure, draw a plan, fill in a report, photograph) and submit documentation to the Cave Registry (JZS) (link), Karst Research Institute of the Scientific (IZRK) Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts or to a local caving club.

Samples of cave fauna and flora can be collected and/or exported only with prior consent. The consent/license is issued by the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (ARSO). Sample retrieval points must be properly marked. Selling cave samples and specimens is forbidden. To avoid sample duplication any research and samples should be publicly available and any research results published in journals.

If you find explosives or human remains you should call 112 (notification centre) or 113 (police).

In case of an accident provide first aid to the injured person to the best of your ability. Then call 112 and let them know: who is calling,when,what and in which cave the accident happened, how many and how badly people are injured, what the injuries are like.

In areas where specific regulations apply (eg. Triglav national park (TNP), Natura 2000) regional decrees should also be complied with.

Cave diving is considered as technical diving, so there are further regulations for this issue.


This checklist is taken from brochure "Caving in Slovenia and Croatia", you can find additional info there.